

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pool, Amnesia, Sleeping, Reddit

Went to play pool a couple of weeks ago at Cityheroes and found something new that I'm interested in. I also invented a few new styles of playing, only one of which I've decided to keep using after the incident with the ceiling light. Post-pool I saw the below par film Immortals, but I got my fill on popcorn and some decent action so I guess it was worth it. One highlight of the night included seeing a guy getting an 81,000+ combo on Dance Dance Revolution. The craziest bit was that he wasn't Asian.

So the other night I went with a group of guys to play Amnesia: the Dark Descent. To be honest the majority of the game was rather slow paced and relatively boring, but worth it for the scary moments. The puzzles were beyond irritating and ragequit worthy on separate occasions. However many highlights include: when Pop came out of the closet, the melting portrait, forgetting to close the door (biiiig tip for those who plan to play). Hopefully some of it was captured on film and will be posted up on YT soon. For those brave soldiers who plan to play this game alone, I'm glad I've known you, goodbye.

And for those who are too scared and require a party, then have fun sleeping the night after. I had great difficulty sleeping despite being awake for 30 hours straight, however by the time I did fall asleep I slept 18. Now my sleeping routine is so messed up I might as well throw my clock away.

I saw a joke on Sickipedia that was really meaningful for once.
"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world." Shiiiiit son. I've also browsed Reddit endlessly for trivia, jokes, and anything remotely interesting which has resulted in quite a lot of good results. Too many to share, but I definitely recommend a good browsing of that site.

Lastly I must recommend To Sir with Love (Korean film) as it was one of the best movies I've seen in a looong time. Be careful not to download the other films as many films have the same title and have nothing in common. (Unless of course you have morals and whatnot and want to rent.)

"Have you ever heard of a penile brake?"