

Friday, November 18, 2011

Some of you may know I tutor primary school children at my house. Well fortunately this week I got some serious bug that's fucked up my throat which means I've avoided teaching for another week. This is like the 10th time, and when I called up the mother, she was borderline pissed off over how often I'm sick. Oh yeah? Well your youngest son is a fucking retard. How do you like that? How do you forget the concept of subtraction? FFFUUUUUUUU

I was reading the newspaper the other day and saw some guy who's a minister of racism or something like that. His name is Tokyo Sexwale. That's an African name, so I'm assuming it wasn't so funny when he was growing up, but his name is Tokyo Sexwale. Wow, gg.

Had a sleepover at a Lebanese mansion the other day and watched Hatchet which is an awesome horror movie. I then watched the sequel by myself which was equally awesome. For those that saw the first one, you gotta see what happens next, also more cool murders, very gory. Very excited about the trequel coming out next year.

The formal is coming up soon and may be the last time the grade is gathered together. I wish I had my own suit, but my mum is giving me handmedowns. The suit is so old the white fabric is turning yellow. Thankfully I'm not a girl and have to go through all the makeup and hair bullshit. Anyway hope everyone has lots of funz.

Recently finished watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer which was frickin' brilliant. For those that don't know, it's a supernatural/drama/slice of life with some horror and some comedy thrown in as well. 144 one hour episodes is quite a commitment, which makes watching it very easy to put off. But the best thing about it is the maturation of both the actors and the writing, with the first season very PG rated but the final season has lots of depth and development. Joss Whedon is the creator who also made Firefly, Dollhouse, Angel and Serenity and is a fucking genius.