

Friday, September 2, 2011


Although most people know my situation now, some people I haven't had a chance to tell what's been happening. Couple of weeks ago an incident occurred which led to me being admitted into a hospital in the psychiatric ward. Although I believed I was perfectly fine psychologically, the doctors were convinced I needed some time to 'rehabilitate'.

Anyways, that's over and done with, but there are still lots of issues to resolve regarding my HSC, university course choice, and place of residence as well as further therapy and legal issues. Thankfully I've avoided criminal charges but I am still due to turn up in court this month. Due to all these issues and exams coming up again, this blog will have to be on hiatus again until next month at least.

Not to worry though, everything is fine, I'll be back to my usual immature self soon enough.

For now I will post random pictures I took on my phone.

Spray some of this on yourself and people will be 'mirin'.

Found this in the waiting room at the doctor's. This belongs in the same series as Bob Fail.

Watching Gintama on TV. Somehow even funnier than before.

Totoro the rock star.

Hoooly shit someone used too much Mirin seasoning 'cos you be 'mirin. Look at all the glitterz in my hat.

Good luck everyone with whatever you're doing and don't name your kid Jugem-Jugem Shit-Tossing The Life Of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear Balmung Fezalion Isaac Schneider 1/3True Love 2/3 Hangnail Anxiety Betreyal Knows My Name Or Does It Really Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish This Is a Different Dogfish,I'm Talking About The Dogfish Shark Kaluga Angler Ray Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe All's Well That Ends Well Runny Diarrhea.

Happy birthday, Merry christmas and I wish you all a good Fakinaway.